the journey to self enlightenment through television

Tag Archives: How I Met Your Mother

SPOILER ALERT:  If you haven’t seen this episode yet, please go watch it and come back.  I plan on revealing a lot of details.   You can check it out on CBS.

So… I have no words.  In one of the funnier episodes I’ve seen in awhile, it took a very sad turn in the final scene.  Marshall’s dad died.  I expect there to be differences of opinions on the quality of this episode.  I even find myself torn on whether or not to say this was a truly awesome episode (seasons 1/2 reminiscent) or it totally went too far for this type of genre.

If you’ve been watching HIMYM, you know that a big theme this season and part of last was the idea of Marshall and Lily trying to get pregnant.  They made a pact that as soon as they saw Barney‘s doppleganger, they would be free to start their family.  And they thought they had… until this episode, where ANOTHER doppleganger of Barney’s showed up.

Dr. Stangel. 

Throughout the entire episode where Lily and Marshall were trying to figure out if they were fertile enough to have children, Lily insisted that Barney be in her doctor’s room so she could be sure that her doctor and Barney were two different people.  They were.  And it was hysterical.

But what killed me, was the final scene.  Marshall was trying to call his dad with great news, as he’d always done, and his dad didn’t answer.  Lily pulled up in a cab with sad eyes and explained to Marshall that his dad had a heart attack and didn’t make it.  Heartbreaking.

What I absolutely LOVE about Alyson Hannigan is that when she cries, the whole world will cry because she’s just. that. good.

As a side note, during season 4 of BtVS, there is a special feature on the dvd where Joss Whedon talks about Willow and her breakup with Oz which was heartbreaking.  He goes on to say that he loves Alyson and loves to make her cry, because when she cries, EVERYONE cries.

ANYway… I’m still in a state of shock.  I still don’t know how to feel about this episode.  Perhaps more will come to light later in the season.

What are your thoughts?  Did you think it was the right move for the show, or did it take a much too serious turn?

It’s been a difficult week in that there was just so much to watch.  Not only were there a large number of pilots to watch and critique, but there were also quite a few returning shows that need to be ripped apart.

House, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, Castle, Glee, Parenthood, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Bones, Big Bang Theory, The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Community, the Simpsons, and Family Guy… all shows I’ve come to love very much for very different reasons.  You can find all of my thoughts after the jump. Continue reading

I’ve been struggling for weeks with what to watch this season for tv.  Do I want to add more comedies?  Is there room for another drama?  So many questions and less than a week to go until the major premiers start happening.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am more reliant on my DVR now than I ever have been.  I find this is because Hubs and I keep relatively different schedules and watch most of our shows together.

So without further adieu, here are my recommendations.

On Monday:

  • At 8PM, How I Met Your Mother. Although, I don’t hold out much hope for this particular series anymore.  I’ve been let down way too many times, and the new “let’s finally meet the mother storyline seems too good to be true.
  • Also at 8PM, you’ll find House.  I’ve always loved this one.  I find that I enjoy recording it and watching it right away.  Unfortunately, FOX and Verizon do not have any type of agreement for OnDemand programming, so I can’t say just look for this one OnDemand like I would for some other favorites.
  • At 9PM, Two and a Half Men.  This is another show that’s been around for awhile, but has started lacking in overall story.
  • At 10PM is one of my favorites, Castle.  But this one you can find OnDemand.
  • Check out the new Hawaii 5-0, also at 10PM.  I’m not so sure about this one, mostly because there’s been so much hype around it.  I’ll give it 3-episodes.

On Tuesday:

  • At 8PM, a fan favorite Glee will be there to watch and love and sing along with.
  • No Ordinary Family with Julie Benz will also show up in the 8PM spot.  I love Julie Benz, and I like the idea of superheroes.  This happens to be an ABC show, so I may or may not try to check it out OnDemand.  If it’s good enough, I’ll just have to watch it live or DVR it.
  • At 10PM, watch Parenthood. You will often find NBC shows OnDemand, but it’s still a great show to watch.

On Wednesday:

  • Check out a new JJ Abrams show at 8PM.  Undercovers.  It looks good, but only time will tell.
  • At 9PM, my new guilty pleasure Hellcats is on.  Yes.  I enjoy shows about cheerleaders.  It might be awful, but it’s like a car wreck or going to a hockey game.
  • Also at 9PM is Modern Family.  You’d be a fool to miss this Emmy Award Winning show.
  • At 9:30PM, watch Cougar Town.  Although it’s less about cougaring and more about dysfunctional families, it’s still pretty good.  And Jennifer Aniston will be making a cameo this season.

On Thursday:

  • At 8PM, on a Thursday night which is the most jampacked night for tv, you should be watching Community.  If you caught it last season, you’re in for a treat in the next season.  If you missed it, well… you missed a lot.
  • Also at 8PM on CBS is The Big Bang Theory.  Enough said.
  • At 9PM you should watch The Office.  It is Steve Carrell’s last season, and it would be a shame to miss it.  Even though I think they should throw in the towel after this…
  • I’m a HUGE Grey’s Anatomy fan.  You’ll find it at 9PM on ABC.  However, if you miss it, you might be able to catch in OnDemand.
  • If you like Grey’s, you probably like Private Practice, which is on immediately after at 10PM.

On Friday:

  • You should be trying to catch up on anything you missed and delete things from your DVR to make room for the following week.  I don’t usually find anything of interest on Friday nights, but you can be the judge.

On Saturday:

  • Get outside.  Enjoy some fresh air.  Come home, rent a movie and relax.  Or… go out.  Have date night.  There’s nothing really good on anyway.

On Sunday:

  • At 8PM, you can find a classic staple in American television, The Simpsons.
  • At 9PM, you MUST watch Dexter on Showtime.  Period.  The End.

So, Gentle Readers, those are my opinions on what to watch this season.  I’m sure as the season gears up, there will be some changes to the lineup.

What will YOU be watching this fall season?

Will this be the season that we meet the “Mother”?  It is still unclear as the season has not yet started, but for those of us who have been following the journey from the beginning, I think a little skepticism is a good thing.

To begin with, Morrison will have a 5-episode arc which could lead to a full 13 episodes.  All of those episodes, of course, have the potential to lead to what the viewers have been waiting for all along.  However, that has yet to be confirmed.

EW is reporting that the execs are planning to take How I Met Your Mother back to its roots and and get down and dirty in remembering that Ted is the I in How I Met Your Mother.  They expect that Morrison’s character will take Ted on a much deeper journey and really take him back to his real mission: finding his future wife.

A deal is in the works for Neil Patrick Harris to appear in an episode of Glee during May Sweeps that will be directed by the one and only Joss Whedon.


I’d heard a rumor about this today, and I wasn’t sure what to think.  Outside of being overwhelmed with excitement that the infamous NPH/Whedon duo is going to reunite, I am more than excited that the reunion will be on my favorite FOX show, Glee.

The news of the upcoming episode was dropped in a Twitter update by EW’s Michael Ausiello, who is no less excited than I, or any other fans are.

I must say, I don’t always look forward to May Sweeps.  I think that’s mostly because Upfronts are usually close by and the fate of our favorite shows hangs in the balance, so the importance of May Sweeps is HUGE, but very overdramatic.

ANYway, NPH.  Glee.

The episode and the role will be tailored specifically to the How I Met Your Mother superstar, and will no doubt include a song and dance number.

Yes.  I am excited.  Although, the waiting for Glee to return in April will be hard, I’m sure it will be well worth the wait.

What are your thoughts on Glee and NPH’s upcoming role?

First up?  My DVR.

And for those of you who were wondering, this is going to be one of those posts where I talk about something painfully mundane, but seemingly interesting.  Well, to me anyway.

Of all the things that need a good cleaning out, my DVR is definitely on the top of that list.  Well, that and my entire apartment.  Because I just want to relax and not worry about anything from Christmas to New Years.

The simple fact is that there is way too much clogging up the DVR.  Way too much.  As in, I should really delete stuff after I watch it.  But some shows just deserve to be watched 2 or 3 times.  And mostly because there are so many other things on tv that are just boring and silly, and I hate daytime tv, so I guess my DVR will remain relatively full.

  • 13 episodes of The Office
  • 2 episodes of Men of a Certain Age
  • 3 episodes of The Big Bang Theory
  • 9 episodes of Two and a Half Men
  • 3 episodes of Accidentally on Purpose
  • 1 episode of House
  • 1 episode of How I Met Your Mother
  • 7 episodes of The Simpsons
  • 1 episode of Let’s Make a Deal
  • 1 episode of WAVY News 10 Local News
  • 7 episodes of Family Feud
  • 2 episodes of The Family Guy
  • 2 episodes of Legend of the Seeker
  • 9 episodes of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
  • 1 DOUBLE episode of Dollhouse – this one keeps recording in 2-hour increments, which is fine, because then it looks like I only have 1 episode, even though there’s 2
  • 1 episode of the Tonight Show
  • 7 episodes of Lopez Tonight
  • 1 episode of SNL
  • 1 episode of Community
  • 1 episode of Cougar Town
  • 1 episode of Glee
  • 1 episode of Modern Family
  • 2 episodes of The Jay Leno Show
  • 2 episodes of Late Show with David Letterman
  • 1 episode of The Price is Right
  • Something’s Got to Give
  • Talladega Nights
  • Dr. Suess’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  • It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas

Final count – 94% full with 85 episodes/movies/tv specials.  It’s sick.  And there is way too much on my DVR.  I wonder if I’ll make it through everything so I can make room for new stuff.

It is a sad, sad day when I’d rather watch almost anything else other than How I Met Your Mother.  Considering at one time it was my all time favorite show ever.  And who could blame me for loving it so much?  The storylines were funny.  And who DOESN’T love Neil Patrick Harris?  I mean, come on.  He’s awesome.

I’m going to attribute my gradual moving away from the show to the multiple Britney Spears appearances.  I honestly think after those appearances that HIMYM really jumped the shark.  I haven’t laughed so hard I could cry in a really long time.  Not during the new episodes at least.  If I’m watching the dvds of the first and second seasons, there is no doubt I’ll be doubled over in  laughter.

But I’ve thought for awhile now that the show just isn’t as funny as it used to be.  I absolutely hated the idea of Barney and Robin together, and I was more than relieved when they finally ditched that relationship.

Now, I wonder if the writing just isn’t as good as it used to be or if maybe my tastes are just changing again.

With all that said, I’ve found a new favorite show.  I didn’t really click with The Big Bang Theory in the beginning.  I pretty much thought it wouldn’t last more than a season.  But much to my surprise, it is currently in its third season, and keeps getting funnier.

Shows that get silly songs stuck in my head because they are just so funny are something worth taking a second look at in my book.

Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur/ Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr.

Oh yes.  I want that as my ringtone.

But that’s besides the point.  The writing is spot on, although sometimes the stories are a little… well, dull.  There are some amazingly well-written lines and fantastic delivery by the characters.  Just as an example, in the most recent episode where Penny dislocated her shoulder, and Sheldon needed to be her knight in shining armor, the chemistry between Sheldon and Penny was nothing short of a laugh riot.  They are just so different, which makes them interesting to watch.  And also wonder what kinds of awkward situations you can throw them into.

I just don’t see that with HIMYM anymore.  They’ve all been in awkward situations and thrown into a pit of uncomfortableness over and over.  But it lacks punch for me right now.  I won’t stop watching the show like I did to boycott the Britney episodes.  And I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for that comeback episode that’s going to make me cry from laughing so hard.

So, Big Bang is my number one.  And HIMYM with take a backseat until they make their comeback, which I hope will be soon.  I really loved that show.

What do you think of the rise of Big Bang and the fall of HIMYM?  Do you see a trend with current shows that used to be good but aren’t anymore, or with shows that used to be uninteresting, and now blow you away?

It’s interesting when dueling networks have similar programming.  It was painfully clear a few years ago when reality tv was all the rage and EVERYONE was showing the same programming but with different characters and producers but the storylines from week to week would be shockingly similar.

I can remember when I first started watching Grey’s Anatomy that many of the basic plots were the same as what I’d been watching on House in previous seasons.  To the point where the diagnoses were spot on.

Even wannabe shows that don’t seem to last have constant similarities to currently high-rated programming.  Take a look at Rules of Engagement, which only last little more than a season.  There you had 2 couples, and a single guy.  It felt like I was watching a cheapened version of How I Met Your Mother.

So, in light of all those crappy rip offs and wannabe shows, I present to you the very latest in the Battle of the Networks: Accidentally on Purpose vs Cougar Town.  CBS vs ABC.

I watch both shows.  I LOVE both shows.  They each have their own little quirks and qualities that make them funny.  But are they the same show?

The basic premise is the same: older woman (40s) is having trouble with being the older woman and ends up in search of a younger life, thus leaving her in the arms of a much younger man.  Each woman is an individual.  They both have their own little things that makes them special.  And funny.

The MAJOR difference between the shows?  One is pregnant by her younger man, and the other already has a kid, and has lived that life.

Bille (Accidentally on Purpose) shacks up with a guy in his early 20’s and ends up getting knocked up.

Whereas, Jules (Cougar Town) already has the kid, and is looking to recapture her youth after a divorce.

Both shows provide hilarious antics and amusing dynamics between the characters.  It’s even easy to see which characters match up on both shows.  Two best friends, the guy next door and his friends.

But each show is funny in it’s own right.

What I do find comforting is the fact that after their freshman seasons respectively, each show will find footing and become more original and unique.  And both, on separate networks will probably survive.

Just look at House and Grey’s Anatomy.  Sure, early on some of the episodes had hints from the other show, but here we are, many MANY seasons later, and each show has a completely different feel, and have both taken totally different paths.  *Sniffle sniffle*  They grow up so fast.

So, in looking at all those things, I like both shows because of their similarities and differences and can’t wait to see each one pan out for more than a season because it will be interesting to see which path each show chooses.

Whose side are you on?

Honestly, I love EW for a lot of things.  But most of all, I love them for their lists.  They provide me with much needed blog fodder from time to time.  And who doesn’t love lists?  I mean, really.

But I love this particular list because it takes an honest look at what’s wrong with TV these days, and some shows that we just shouldn’t be watching anymore.  I will say upfront that I don’t completely agree with every show on this list, but I can certainly respect why they are on it.

  1. Heroes – Not gonna lie, I broke up with this one after season 2.  And then again after season 3.
  2. Dollhouse – One of those shows I love, that I don’t think should be on this list… but the ratings just aren’t up far enough yet to keep it from failing in its Friday night timeslot.
  3. America’s Next Top Model – I’ve never watched this show, and I don’t plan to start now.
  4. Project Runway – Um… same deal.  But hasn’t it been on long enough?
  5. The Office – I love this show, and really don’t see an end in sight.
  6. Gossip Girl – Ha!  I really tried watching this one, but it’s a daytime soap opera that airs at night on a crappy network.  The End.
  7. Hell’s Kitchen – This used to be a must-see… sadly, not so much anymore.
  8. Bones – I love this show.  I’ve always loved this show.  BUT it is one of those shows that you can put down for awhile, and pick up later and not miss much.  That could be deadly for a show.
  9. House – Yet another show that I love, but can drop for awhile and pick up whenever.  Sure, there’s new things going on this season…
  10. One Tree Hill – This is one that I tried watching, and it felt a little like a soap opera, and a little bit forced.  6 seasons might be long enough.
  11. Dancing with the Stars – They try to keep it new and fresh, but like American Idol, it’s just getting old.
  12. 90210 – I’m fairly certain I remember mentioning last season that this was a mistake to begin with.  Again, I will say, why mess with a good thing?  The original was good.  Leave it there.
  13. Glee – Ok.  I love love LOVE this show.  No, it’s not for everyone.  But I am definitely surprised that it’s even on this list.
  14. Private Practice – I actually finally got caught up with this one like I did with Grey’s Anatomy.  I never really like it all that much, but it was always something to watch when there was nothing else on.
  15. Fringe – Even though Joshua Jackson is my TV-boyfriend, I’ve always felt that this one needed to go.  Come on.  It’s the X-files.  It’s already been done.
  16. Mad Men – I often hear mixed feelings about Mad Men.  It’s good, it’s not good.  Truthfully, I’ve been wanting to check it out, but there’s always something else to be watched.
  17. CSI: Miami – Procedural shows are always great because they really know what they’re talking about.  But CSI has been on for a LONG time.
  18. Ghost Whisperer – Another soapy show that just doesn’t need to be on anymore.
  19. Smallville – Apparently this one has run its course.  Smallville is yet another show that I want to get into, but the more seasons there are, the harder it is, and the longer it’s going to take.  And do I really want to invest all that time?
  20. American Idol – Old and tired.  And I hate reality TV.  And without Paula’s crazy antics and sexual tension with Simon, I just think it’s a waste.  And besides, it’s been on way too long.  It’s just old.

There are definitely a few shows on this that list that I vehemently do not agree with.  But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  As long as they can accept that Bones, House, Glee and Dollhouse are actually good shows.  And I will not be breaking up with any of these shows this season.

There are, however, a few shows that don’t show up on this particular list. Two and a Half Men is a great show, but with recent changes this season like Charlie being in a committed relationship are just things that are going to hurt the original premise of the show.  Plus, Jake is getting a little old to still be the “half” man on that show.

How I Met Your Mother is another show that I’m less than impressed with this season.  Not gonna lie, after that Britney Spears episode two seasons ago, I’ve been really turned off.  And I will say that there are a few good scenes in a few episodes this season, but Barney being committed and dating Robin just really takes away from his character mold.

I don’t see either of those shows ending anytime soon, but it’s something to think about.

What shows are you thinking about breaking up with this season?

How I Met Your Mother is fast approaching it’s 100th episode.  It will air this January.  And according to the show’s creators, they are going to be pulling out all the stops, possibly with another musical number.

Throughout this entire season, Ted will come closer and closer to meeting his future wife, and the 100th episode will take it to the max, but without ever showing who his wife will be.  Craig Thomas, the executive producer, will neither confirm nor deny whether Ted’s wife will be unmasked, but considering there is no talk of the show ending any time in the near future, I don’t think they’ll show her yet.  And if they do, they’ll have some very creative storylines to go with it until the end of the series.

Not gonna lie.  I’m TOTALLY looking forward to the 100th episode.  I will probably have a party.  Or at least a marathon and some really good food the night it airs.

What do you think of the new season so far?  And will YOU be watching the 100th episode?