the journey to self enlightenment through television

Category Archives: IMAX

This was such an AWESOME scene

Yes.  Oh. My. God. Yes.

This was the single greatest Batman movie to date.   No.  Seriously.  I can’t get over how unbelievable this movie was.

Heath Ledger was absolutely, terrifyingly believeable.  He was very Jack Nicholson in The Shining reminiscent.  And Jack Nicholson  was terrifying in that movie.  Heath Ledger  was nothing short of amazing.  The characteristics, the idiosyncrasies as the Joker… all the little things.  It’s a shame he won’t be able to reappear in another Batman movie.

So.  Yesterday I took a personal day, in order to see this movie at the IMAX.  Every show was sold out.  SOLD OUT.  Completely.  I was smart enough to order tickets Sunday night for D and me… and by the time we got there, they were ALREADY making announcements that every show all day was sold out.  Unreal.

But it was a nice day off.  And so worth it.  I ordered the tickets Sunday night, like I said, and we picked them up at noon yesterday.  (Did I mention that this IMAX was in a Jordan’s Furniture Store?  So cool.)  And we walked around for a bit before they let us in through the top.  I was completely overtaken by the awesomeness that was the movie theater.

But Dark Knight was the perfect follow up to Christian Bale’s last movie, Batman Begins.  Batman is now a vigilante, but he is still the hero that Gotham deserves… just not the one they need right now.  That was a major theme.  Batman not being what Gotham needed at the moment.  It led to an interesting plot twist at the end. 

Things I LOVED:

  • Heath Ledger’s performance.  Have I mentioned the phrase “deliciously bad” yet? 
  • The Joker persona.  So crazy.  So insane.  So…. scary.  The crimes, the actions committed by the Joker.  All beautifully done. 
  • The special effects were absolutely fantasitc.  Transitioning between the actual panaoramic scences and the full screen scenes was barely noticeable… except that they were AWESOME!  The full screen scenes were shot in that exclusive IMAX 3-D format, so it looked even cooler.
  • Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two-Face.  He was brilliantly two-faced, and it was superb.


Things I didn’t care for:

  • Christian Bale’s raspy Batman voice.  I get that he’s in disguise, and he’s supposed to change his voice… but it was irritating for a minute.
  • The Batman timeline is screwed up.  Was this supposed to be a remake?  Or is it replacing the original Michael Keaton Batman?  Are we supposed to just forget the other 4 movies?  And if we keep in mind things about the other 4 movies, things that happened would not allow the following movies to exist.  Yes.  I’m lost in a sea of confusion.  Hopefully I’ll understand it better by the next movie.

No, there was sooo much to love, and not much to hate.  But I’m definitely going to see this one again.  And again.

Alternately titled: “My first mobile blog”

Ok. Holy potatoes, gentle readers. I just got out of the movies. And judging by the title of this post, I just saw Dark Knight. And holy shit, it was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.

Let’s just say that Heath Ledger definitely dominated this movie. The phrase “deliciously bad” comes to mind over and over.

But I’ll post more on this later, once I’ve taken it all in.