Hubs and I spent a number of hours discussing what would happen to Two and a Half Men after the demise of Charlie Sheen and his more than lifelike character of Charlie Harper.  Such scenarios included a larger role for Herb Melnick, Judith’s new husband, played by Ryan Stiles.  Because who doesn’t love Ryan Stiles?  Or adding another kid that ends up being Charlie’s that he never knew about.  But the idea of having Ashton Kutcher take on the Charlie-esque role named Walden was never something we entertained.

And now that Walden is now a part of the cast, ihet’s not the same show.  It hasn’t been the same show for quite awhile, even before Charlie spun out.  But they made some serious changes, much in the way of set design.  And you hardly ever see Jake, Judith or Herb, and Berta seems to have a similar amount of screen time as she’s always had.

But tonight’s episode featured Patten Oswalt playing Walden’s best friend and worst enemy.  After last week’s disaster of an episode that focused on the worst vomit jokes since third grade, I was looking forward to a great guest star.  But the question I have is will he stay on to help strengthen the cast?  And will it help?

Sure, there were some funny jokes, but again, it’s not the same show.  It doesn’t hold up like it used to.

I guess only time will tell.  Until then, I look forward to seeing Patten Oswalt again in future episodes.

What do you think of this season of Two and a Half Men?  Will it survive?