As you know, Gentle Readers, the time has come for the 10/11 Fall Season of TV to begin.  Can I just tell you how excited I am?  Truly, very excited.

Although I am not quite done nailing down my own schedule of what to watch, what to try and what to avoid, I will have my final schedule completed by the end of the week.  A few old standards will definitely be in the rotation, and of course some will have to be On Demand or watched on Hulu or the respective network website.  But I will be watching as much as I can.

In the meantime, you should check out what others are doing for their fall season viewing schedules.  One great blogger I like to read and you should check out in general, Avitable, gave his quick and dirty schedule on what to watch, try and record.

Then there’s Techland, who goes in different direction with their fall lineup.

What will YOU be watching this season?