the journey to self enlightenment through television

Tag Archives: Emmy Award

There’s so many things to love about The Big Bang Theory.  The writing, the characters, the actors, the level intelligence.  It’s won awards. I could go on all day.  Really.  I follow most of the cast and writers on Twitter.  I’m not obsessed.  Honest.

And Hubs and I have so many conversations about what makes certain shows great.  And it’s easy to point out which moments make certain actors Emmy worthy.  Jim Parsons has had so many Emmy worthy moments, in my opinion.

A quick interruption, to mention a conversation I JUST had with Hubs trying to determine the episode name:

Me: It’s called the Spaghetti Catalyst, right?  The that’s just after Leonard and Penny break up, and Sheldon has dinner with Penny…?

Hubs:  I don’t know.  I could look it up.


ANYway… the Spaghetti Catalyst is an episode we both felt Jim Parsons totally shined and really deserved recognition for.  In fact, any episode that takes Sheldon out of his element or changes his regular routine in ANY way is typically an episode in which Jim Parsons shines.

And by saying that, I want to say that the latest episode, The Werewolf Transformation, is just such an episode.  Sheldon can’t get his haircut because his regular barber is in the hospital.  And he refuses haircuts from everyone else because no one seems to have access to his “haircut records.”  Eventually, he does let Penny cut his hair, but getting to that point is utterly hilarious.  In fact, one of my new favorite scenes ever occurs in this episode, when Leonard wakes up to find Sheldon in the living room playing the bongos.

No word of a lie, that scene TRUMPS my previous alltime favorite scene of Sheldon in the ballpit, after he’s been up for days trying to determine how neutrons move through a graphine sheet.  Hysterical.

I just love the show.  And I love that there are so many funny things.  And I am supremely amazed at how many things I can remember without having to look them up.

What do you think about Sheldon playing the bongos?  What is your favorite Big Bang Theory moment?